The Joy Trip Project
The Unhidden Minute
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland

Joan Trumpauer Mulholland

A dedicate ally in the Civil Rights Movement

Joan Trumpauer Mulholland is an American civil rights activist known for her courageous service during the Civil Rights Movement. Born in 1941, Mulholland became involved in the movement as a student at Tougaloo College in Mississippi, where she participated in sit-ins and protests against segregation.

Mulholland gained national attention for her bravery, including participating in the Freedom Rides, where she endured arrest and violence for challenging segregation laws in interstate travel. She also played a pivotal role in the 1963 Woolworth's sit-in in Jackson, Mississippi.

Despite facing threats and harassment, Mulholland remained committed to nonviolent resistance and racial justice. Her activism continued beyond the Civil Rights Movement, advocating for social justice causes throughout her life.

Mulholland's unwavering dedication to equality and justice serves as an inspiration to aspiring activists, embodying the spirit of courage and determination in the fight against oppression.

The Joy Trip Project celebrates the enduring legacy of Black American History. The Unhidden Minute is part of the Unhidden Podcast Project supported through a National Geographic Explorer Grant from the National Geographic Society, with the cooperation of the National Park Service. This series elevates the untold stories of Black American historical figures, events and cultural contributions.

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The Joy Trip Project
The Unhidden Minute
The Unhidden Minute is part of the Unhidden Podcast Project supported through a National Geographic Explorer Grant from the National Geographic Society. This series celebrates the untold stories of Black American history.